
Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Gomel Automobile Training Plant" (Driving Gomel AUC)

Head office address: Gomel city, Prospect Rechitsky, house number 11.
+375 232 201720 (multichannel through operator)
+375 232 264422 (multichannel through operator)
VELCOM +375 29 6 690 590
Phones available:
Monday – Thursday: from 8:00 to 12:00 and s 13:00 to 17:00.
Friday: from 8:00 to 12:00 and s 13:00 to 16:00.

IMNS code 400016021 UNP (UNP) 490178960 OKPO 291754303000

Bank details:

R / s (WERE GOING): BY22 AKBB 3015 0240 4351 4310 0000


Address of the bank: 246027, Gomel city, Barykina Street, house 94.

UNP bank: 400230505.

Aladko Nikolai.
Reception time and operating modes: 8 0232 261177
Deputy Director
Filippov Igor Petrovich.
Reception time and operating modes: 8 0232 264422
Chief Accountant
Kalugina Natalya Anatolevna.
Phone / Fax: 8 0232 207700
TRAVEL to stop “Гомельоблавтотранс”:
BUS: routes 2, 17, 21, 24, 32;
TROLLEYBUS: 3, 19, 20;
ROUTE TAXI: 2, 3, 17, 21.
Acting head of the branch Legenky Gennady Ilyich
city ​​Rechitsa, street Trifonova, 70-B house (on the territory of the bus fleet)
Tel.: 8 02340 99326;
8 029 6658350; +375 44 5660098.
MTS category drivers training “B”, “Sun.”
Retraining of MTS drivers from the category “B” on “Sun.”, from category “C” on “D” (buses), from category “C” on “CE” (trailers, semitrailers).
Head of the branch Belyai Alexander Dmitrievich
Mozyr City, Vetrovaya street, house 1-B.
Tel.: 8 02363 76639;
MTS: 8 029 8390005.
MTS category drivers training “B”
Branch Manager The branch is temporarily suspended.
Zhlobin city, All questions: Gomel city, Prospect Rechitsky, house 11;
Tel.: +375 29 6 690 590; +375 232 20 17 20.